Asking for a friend: What’s the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil?

You’re really into CBD. There’s no denying that. You understand clearly the benefits and have experienced them first-hand. Maybe you even swear by certain CBD products or have a standing appointment for your monthly CBD massage. The only thing that’s a little unclear is some of the terminology around this trendy treatment. You know, for example, that CBD is cannabidiol, and it’s a compound from hemp. But does that mean that CBD oil is just hemp oil like the kind you see in the store? Here’s what you need to understand in the hemp oil vs CBD oil discussion.

While, yes, hemp is the source of CBD oil, it’s not the same as the hemp oil you see in your grocery or health food store. They’re both made from the hemp plant, but the parts they pull from are different. The hemp oil you see in the grocery store is an extract of hemp seeds. The only plant used to make hemp oil is industrialized hemp, and contains minimal psychoactive compounds. CBD oil, on the other hand, is cannabis oil with high cannabidiol content. It’s made from the stalks, flowers, and leaves, rather than the seeds, of hemp.

Hemp vs marijuana: What’s the difference?

Wait, then what’s the difference between hemp and marijuana? While hemp and marijuana are two different species of the same plant, Cannabis, their composition differs. Marijuana is rich in psychoactive compounds like THC. Hemp, on the other hand, is not. It does have non-psychoactive CBD content, however, making it perfect for producing calming products that don’t get you high.

Matthew Brodeur

In case you’re curious how much the composition of these plants differs, look at their THC content. Hemp contains around 0.3% THC, a low amount. Marijuana, on the other hand, can have anywhere from 15-40% THC concentration. That’s why marijuana has recreational or medicinal purposes, while hemp has a wide range of industrial uses. You’ll find hemp in clothing materials, food products (like hemp oil), and more recently THC-free CBD oil and CBD products.

Hemp oil vs CBD oil: Why the difference is important

The discussion really should be hemp oil vs CBD oil. While they do vastly different things in your body, it’s not an either-or in your diet. Hemp oil contains healthy fats like omega-3s as well as vitamin E and an array of vital minerals. It also contains high amounts of the amino acid arginine. That means it produces nitric oxide in your body, which can dilate your blood vessels and help improve circulation. But the difference matters if you’re expecting hemp oil to work like CBD.

It’s CBD oil that can help improve anxiety and promote feelings of calmness. Although there are fewer studies on this topic, researchers have proven CBD oil helps with epilepsy and inflammatory conditions. So while they both deserve a spot on your shelves, it’s important to know what to expect from each of them.